
What is Big data Analytics – a buzzing career path?

Big data analytic has become a necessity with the augmentation in the size and a simultaneous increase in the complexity of business data set thus providing a great perception through them in businesses. Big data means a large amount of data or too fast data which are difficult for existing tools. Database management systems have been introduced to handle multi-petabyte databases but for massive internet companies, it falls short in term of scalability and ability to handle streaming data. The data not only has to be constantly streamed and collected but the analyses of it are also important. This is the main face of information technology as a huge amount of data is important data is afloat. Big data analytics helps in consolidating this data which further leads to improvement in business and sound decision making for businesses to outdo their competitors. This is not only limited to big companies but to professionals as well. For professionals in this domain have an enormous opportunity. Following are the reasons for you to enter this field:

  1. Priority for analytics: according to a latest survey and responses; big data analytics is among the top priorities of the majority of companies. Nearly 45% of them believed that big data analytics provides a specific vision for business and 38% would like to use it for having more sales & business big_data-16-100314366-primary.idgeprospects. Around 60% of people depend on it to enhance social media marketing of their organisations. And 77% consider it as the need of hour and top priority
  2. Increase in demand for analytics professionals: it has been pointed that data is of
    no use unless there are skilled professionals to analyse it. The demand for analytics professional has grown over time and is trending thus providing more number of job options. The organisations want to fully utilize the data with them and looking out for more analytics professionals, the biggest market being the U.S.
  3. Salary structure: with the right skills and qualifications, data analytics professionals could earn a handsome package. The recent trends in the structure show a positive growth in the salary trends. The annual average high in an analytics professional is more than 50% as compared to other IT professionals.
  4. High demand and deficit supply: It has been found that despite the high demand in the analytics professional’s job, there are many vacant positions across the world due to a deficiency in skills. It is presumed that by 2018, U.S would have a huge shortage of 190,000 data scientists, 1.5 million managers and analysts with necessary skills. India is found to have a high concentration of analysts as compared to rest of the world. The shortage thus leading to more opportunities since most if the work is outsourced to developed countries.
  5. All over the presence of big data analytics: the usability of big data analytics is everywhere due to increasing in demand and growth opportunities with it. It is found in healthcare, consumer sectors, energy sector, Manufacturing, technology, banking sector and so many more.

Big data analytics is the need of the hour with organisations looking for growth with the help of better decisions. This increases the need for analytics even more. There is high demand in this domain for people with right skills and qualifications. The professional have a great opportunity for growth and also better salary packages.



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